
iOS, Android and Flutter apps, created and built for the end-user. We build our apps from scratch, native of hybrid, using the latest technologies in mobile development.

How We Work

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our toolbox

Whether it's using the latest version of Kotlin or Swift, working with Java or Objective-C or mastering new hybrid development frameworks, we make sure our stack is always up to date. After all, this is the way to give you the best that technology has to offer.


quality-oriented development

QA is an integral part in every step of our app building process. We start from the design phase, where we validate the very concept of the app, and carry on ensuring quality throughout the development process using code review and automated testing.


agile development from concept to product

All our projects are carried out using agile methodology and SCRUM framework. This ensures frequent iterations and regular testing, resulting in a more smooth development with little room for error. It also means that our clients can see progress on a regular basis and provide feedback every step of the way. Did we mention that this approach also reduces both time and cost of the development process?


Android Development

88% der weltweit verkauften Smartphones werden mit Android betrieben - und wir stellen sicher, dass das Erlebnis mit jeder von uns entwickelten Android-App immer erstklassig ist.

iOS Development

Das iPhone ist bekannt für sein formschönes Design und seinen reibungslosen Betrieb - unsere iOS-Apps sind auf die gleiche Weise.
Get in touch

UHP Software GmbH
Hilpertstraße 20
64295 Darmstadt

Contact Information
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